Protein Structure and Function
by Gregory A Petsko and Dagmar Ringe
1: From Sequence to Structure
1-0 Overview:
Protein Function and Architecture[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Proteins are the most versatile macromolecules
of the cell
-There are four levels of protein structure
1-1 Amino Acids[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The chemical characters of the amino-acid side
chains have important consequences for the way they participate in the
folding and functions of proteins
1-2 Genes and
Text] [PDF]
-There is a linear relationship between the
DNA base sequence of a gene and the amino-acid sequence of the protein
it encodes
-The organization of the genetic code reflects
the chemical grouping of the amino-acids
1-3 The Peptide
Text] [PDF]
-Proteins are linear polymers of amino acids
connected by amide bonds
-The properties of the peptide bond have important
effects on the stability and flexibility of polypeptide chains in water
1-4 Bonds that
Stabilize Folded Proteins[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Folded proteins are stabilized mainly by weak
noncovalent interactions
-The hydrogen-bonding properties of water have
important effects on protein stability
1-5 Importance
and Determinants of Secondary Structure[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Folded proteins have segments of regular conformation
-The arrangement of secondary structure elements
provides a convenient way of classifying types of folds
-Steric constraints dictate the possible types
of secondary structure
-The simplest secondary structure element is
the beta turn
1-6 Properties
of the Alpha Helix[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Alpha helices are versatile cylindrical structures
stabilized by a network of backbone hydrogen bonds
-Alpha helices can be amphipathic, with one
polar and one nonpolar face
-Collagen and polyproline helices have special
1-7 Properties
of the Beta Sheet[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Beta sheets are extended structures that sometimes
form barrels
-Amphipathic beta sheets are found on the surfaces
of proteins
1-8 Prediction
of Secondary Structure[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Certain amino acids are more usually found
in alpha helices, others in beta sheets
1-9 Folding[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The folded structure of a protein is directly
determined by its primary structure
-Competition between self-interactions and interactions
with water drives protein folding
-Computational prediction of folding is not
yet reliable
-Helical membrane proteins may fold by condensation
of preformed secondary structure elements in the bilayer
1-10 Tertiary
Text] [PDF]
-The condensing of multiple secondary structural
elements leads to tertiary structure
-Bound water molecules on the surface of a folded
protein are an important part of the structure
-Tertiary structure is stabilized by efficient
packing of atoms in the protein interior
1-11 Membrane
Protein Structure[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The principles governing the structures of
integral membrane proteins are the same as those for water-soluble proteins
and lead to formation of the same secondary structure elements
1-12 Protein
Stability: Weak Interactions and Flexibility[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The folded protein is a thermodynamic compromise
-Protein structure can be disrupted by a variety
of agents
-The marginal stability of protein tertiary
structure allows proteins to be flexible
1-13 Protein
Stability: Post-Translational Modifications[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Covalent bonds can add stability to tertiary
-Post-translational modification can alter both
the tertiary structure and the stability of a protein
1-14 The Protein
Text] [PDF]
-Globular proteins are composed of structural
-Domains have hydrophobic cores
-Multidomain proteins probably evolved by the
fusion of genes that once coded for separate proteins
1-15 The Universe
of Protein Structures[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The number of protein folds is large but limited
-Protein structures are modular and proteins
can be grouped into families on the basis of the domains they contain
-The modular nature of protein structure allows
for sequence insertions and deletions
1-16 Protein
Text] [PDF]
-Protein motifs may be defined by their primary
sequence or by the arrangement of secondary structure elements
-Identifying motifs from sequence is not straightforward
1-17 Alpha
Domains and Beta Domains[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein domains can be classified according
to their secondary structural elements
-Two common motifs for alpha domains are the
four-helix bundle and the globin fold
-Beta domains contain strands connected in two
distinct ways
-Antiparallel beta sheets can form barrels and
1-18 Alpha/Beta,
Alpha+Beta and Cross-Linked Domains[Full
Text] [PDF]
-In alpha/beta domains each strand of parallel
beta sheet is usually connected to the next by an alpha helix
-There are two major families of alpha/beta
domains: barrels and twists
-Alpha+beta domains have independent helical
motifs packed against a beta sheet
-Metal ions and disulfide bridges form cross-links
in irregular domains
1-19 Quaternary
Structure: General Principles[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Many proteins are composed of more than one
polypeptide chain
-All specific intermolecular interactions depend
on complementarity
1-20 Quaternary
Structure: Intermolecular Interfaces[Full
Text] [PDF]
-All types of protein-stabilizing interactions
contribute to the formation of intermolecular interfaces
-Inappropriate quaternary interactions can have
dramatic functional consequences
1-21 Quaternary
Structure: Geometry[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein assemblies built of identical subunits
are usually symmetric
1-22 Protein
Text] [PDF]
-Proteins are flexible molecules
-Conformational fluctuations in domain structure
tend to be local
-Protein motions involve groups of non-bonded
as well as covalently bonded atoms
-Triggered conformational changes can cause
large movements of side chains, loops, or domains
2: From Structure to Function
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2-0 Overview:
The Structural Basis of Protein Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-There are many levels of protein function
-There are four fundamental biochemical functions
of proteins
2-1 Recognition,
Complementarity and Active Sites[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein functions such as molecular recognition
and catalysis depend on complementarity
-Molecular recognition depends on specialized
microenvironments that result from protein tertiary structure
-Specialized microenvironments at binding sites
contribute to catalysis
2-2 Flexibility
and Protein Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The flexibility of tertiary structure allows
proteins to adapt to their ligands
-Protein flexibility is essential for biochemical
-The degree of flexibility varies in proteins
with different functions
2-3 Location
of Binding Sites[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Binding sites for macromolecules on a protein's
surface can be concave, convex, or flat
-Binding sites for small ligands are clefts,
pockets or cavities
-Catalytic sites often occur at domain and subunit
2-4 Nature of
Binding Sites[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Binding sites generally have a higher than
average amount of exposed hydrophobic surface
-Binding sites for small molecules are usually
concave and partly hydrophobic
-Weak interactions can lead to an easy exchange
of partners
-Displacement of water also drives binding events
-Contributions to binding affinity can sometimes
be distinguished from contributions to binding specificity
2-5 Functional
Properties of Structural Proteins[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Proteins as frameworks, connectors and scaffolds
-Some structural proteins only form stable assemblies
-Some catalytic proteins can also have a structural
-Some structural proteins serve as scaffolds
2-6 Catalysis:
Text] [PDF]
-Catalysts accelerate the rate of a chemical
reaction without changing its overall equilibrium
-Catalysis usually requires more than one factor
-Catalysis is reducing the activation-energy
barrier to a reaction
2-7 Active-Site
Text] [PDF]
-Reactive groups in enzyme active sites are
optimally positioned to interact with the substrate
2-8 Proximity
and Ground-State Destabilization[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Some active sites chiefly promote proximity
-Some active sites destabilize ground states
2-9 Stabilization
of Transition States and Exclusion of Water[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Some active sites primarily stabilize transition
-Many active sites must protect their substrates
from water, but must be accessible at the same time
2-10 Redox
Text] [PDF]
-A relatively small number of chemical reactions
account for most biological transformations
-Oxidation/reduction reactions involve the transfer
of electrons and often require specific cofactors
2-11 Addition/Elimination,
Hydrolysis and Decarboxylation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Addition reactions add atoms or chemical groups
to double bonds, while elimination reactions remove them to form double
-Esters, amides and acetals are cleaved by reaction
with water; their formation requires removal of water
-Loss of carbon dioxide is a common strategy
for removing a single carbon atom from a molecule
2-12 Active-Site
Text] [PDF]
-Active sites promote acid-base catalysis
2-13 Cofactors[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Many active sites use cofactors to assist catalysis
2-14 Multi-Step
Text] [PDF]
-Some active sites employ multi-step mechanisms
2-15 Multifunctional
Text] [PDF]
-Some enzymes can catalyze more than one reaction
-Some bifunctional enzymes have only one active
-Some bifunctional enzymes contain two active
2-16 Multifunctional
Enzymes with Tunnels[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Some bifunctional enzymes shuttle unstable
intermediates through a tunnel connecting the active sites
-Trifunctional enzymes can shuttle intermediates
over huge distances
-Some enzymes also have non-enzymatic functions
3: Control of Protein Function
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3-0 Overview:
Mechanisms of Regulation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function in living cells is precisely
-Proteins can be targeted to specific compartments
and complexes
-Protein activity can be regulated by binding
of an effector and by covalent modification
-Protein activity may be regulated by protein
quantity and lifetime
-A single protein may be subject to many regulatory
3-1 Protein
Interaction Domains[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The flow of information within the cell is
regulated and integrated by the combinatorial use of small protein domains
that recognize specific ligands
3-2 Regulation
by Location[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function in the cell is context-dependent
-There are several ways of targeting proteins
in cells
3-3 Control
by pH and the Redox Environment[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function is modulated by the environment
in which the protein operates
-Changes in redox environment can greatly affect
protein structure and function
-Changes in pH can drastically alter protein
structure and function
3-4 Effector
Ligands: Competitive Binding and Cooperativity[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function can be controlled by effector
ligands that bind competitively to ligand-binding or active sites
-Cooperative binding by effector ligands amplifies
their effects
3-5 Effector
Ligands: Conformational Change and Allostery[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Effector molecules can cause conformational
changes at distant sites
-ATCase is an allosteric enzyme with regulatory
and active sites on different subunits
-Disruption of function does not necessarily
mean that the active site or ligand-binding site has been disrupted
-Binding of gene regulatory proteins to DNA
is often controlled by ligand-induced conformational changes
3-6 Protein
Switches Based on Nucleotide Hydrolysis[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Conformational changes driven by nucleotide
binding and hydrolysis are the basis for switching and motor properties
of proteins
-All nucleotide switch proteins have some common
structural and functional features
3-7 GTPase Switches:
Small Signaling G Proteins[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The switching cycle of nucleotide hydrolysis
and exchange in G proteins is modulated by the binding of other proteins
3-8 GTPase Switches:
Signal Relay by Heterotrimeric GTPases[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Heterotrimeric G proteins relay and amplify
extracellular signals from a receptor to an intracellular signaling pathway
3-9 GTPase Switches:
Protein Synthesis[Full
Text] [PDF]
-EF-Tu is activated by binding to the ribosome,
which thereby signals it to release its bound tRNA
3-10 Motor
Protein Switches[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Myosin and kinesin are ATP-dependent nucleotide
switches that move along actin filaments and microtubules respectively
3-11 Regulation
by Degradation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function can be controlled by protein
-Proteins are targeted to proteasomes for degradation
3-12 Control
of Protein Function by Phosphorylation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein function can be controlled by covalent
-Phosphorylation is the most important covalent
switch mechanism for the control of protein function
3-13 Regulation
of Signaling Protein Kinases: Activation Mechanism[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein kinases are themselves controlled by
-Src kinases both activate and inhibit themselves
3-14 Regulation
of Signaling Protein Kinases: Cdk Activation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Cyclin acts as an effector ligand for cyclin-dependent
3-15 Two-Component
Signaling Systems in Bacteria[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Two-component signal carriers employ a small
conformational change that is driven by covalent attachment of a phosphate
3-16 Control
by Proteolysis: Activation of Precursors[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Limited proteolysis can activate enzymes
-Polypeptide hormones are produced by limited
3-17 Protein
Splicing: Autoproteolysis by Inteins[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Some proteins contain self-excising inteins
-The mechanism of autocatalysis is similar for
inteins from unicellular organisms and metazoan Hedgehog protein
3-18 Glycosylation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Glycosylation can change the properties of
a protein and provide recognition sites
3-19 Protein
Targeting by Lipid Modifications[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Covalent attachment of lipids targets proteins
to membranes and other proteins
-The GTPases that direct intracellular membrane
traffic are reversibly associated with internal membranes of the cell
3-20 Methylation,
N-acetylation, Sumoylation and Nitrosylation[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Fundamental biological processes can also be
regulated by other post-translational modifications of proteins
4: From Sequence to Function
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4-0 Overview:
From Sequence to Function in the Age of Genomics[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Genomics is making an increasing contribution
to the study of protein structure and function
4-1 Sequence
Alignment and Comparison[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Sequence comparison provides a measure of the
relationship between genes
-Alignment is the first step in determining
whether two sequences are similar to each other
-Multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees
4-2 Protein
Text] [PDF]
-Structural data can help sequence comparison
find related proteins
-Sequence and structural motifs and patterns
can identify proteins with similar biochemical functions
-Protein-family profiles can be generated from
multiple alignments of protein families for which representative structures
are known
4-3 Deriving
Function from Sequence[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Sequence information is increasing exponentially
-In some cases function can be inferred from
4-4 Experimental
Tools for Probing Protein Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Gene function can sometimes be established
experimentally without information from protein structure or sequence homology
4-5 Divergent
and Convergent Evolution[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Evolution has produced a relatively limited
number of protein folds and catalytic mechanisms
-Proteins that differ in sequence and structure
may have converged to similar active sites, catalytic mechanisms and biochemical
-Proteins with low sequence similarity but very
similar overall structure and active sites are likely to be homologous
-Convergent and divergent evolution are sometimes
difficult to distinguish
-Divergent evolution can produce proteins with
sequence and structural similarity but different functions
4-6 Structure
from Sequence: Homology Modeling[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Structure can be derived from sequence by reference
to known protein folds and protein structures
-Homology modeling is used to deduce the structure
of a sequence with reference to the structure of a close homolog
4-7 Structure
from Sequence: Profile-Based Threading and "Rosetta"[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Profile-based threading tries to predict the
structure of a sequence even if no sequence homologs are known
-The Rosetta method attempts to predict protein
structure from sequence without the aid of a homologous sequence or structure
4-8 Deducing
Function from Structure: Protein Superfamilies[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Members of a structural superfamily often have
related biochemical functions
-The four superfamilies of serine proteases
are examples of convergent evolution
-Very closely related protein families can have
completely different biochemical and biological functions
4-9 Strategies
for Identifying Binding Sites[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Binding sites can sometimes be located in three-dimensional
structures by purely computational means
-Experimental means of locating binding sites
are at present more accurate than computational methods
4-10 Strategies
for Identifying Catalytic Residues[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Site-directed mutagenesis can identify residues
involved in binding or catalysis
-Active-site residues in a structure can sometimes
be recognized computationally by their geometry
-Docking programs model the binding of ligands
4-11 TIM Barrels:
One Structure with Diverse Functions[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Knowledge of a protein's structure does not
necessarily make it possible to predict its biochemical or cellular functions
4-12 PLP Enzymes:
Diverse Structures with One Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-A protein's biochemical function and catalytic
mechanism do not necessarily predict its three-dimensional structure
4-13 Moonlighting:
Proteins with More than One Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-In multicellular organisms, multifunctional
proteins help expand the number of protein functions that can be derived
from relatively small genomes
4-14 Chameleon
Sequences: One Sequence with More than One Fold[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Some amino-acid sequences can assume different
secondary structures in different structural contexts
4-15 Prions,
Amyloids and Serpins: Metastable Protein Folds[Full
Text] [PDF]
-A single sequence can adopt more than one stable
4-16 Functions
for Uncharacterized Genes: Galactonate Dehydratase[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Determining biochemical function from sequence
and structure becomes more accurate as more family members are identified
-Alignments based on conservation of residues
that carry out the same active-site chemistry can identify more family
members than sequence comparisons alone
-In well studied model organisms, information
from genetics and cell biology can help identify the substrate of an "unknown"
enzyme and the actual reaction catalyzed
4-17 Starting
from Scratch: A Gene Product of Unknown Function[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Function cannot always be determined from sequence,
even with the aid of structural information and chemical intuition
5: Structure Determination
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5-1 The Interpretation
of Structural Information[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Experimentally determined protein structures
are the result of the interpretation of different types of data
-Both the accuracy and the precision of a structure
can vary
-The information content of a structure is determined
by its resolution
5-2 Structure
Determination by X-Ray Crystallography and NMR[Full
Text] [PDF]
-Protein crystallography involves summing the
scattered X-ray waves from a macromolecular crystal
-NMR spectroscopy involves determining internuclear
distances by measuring perturbations between assigned resonances from atoms
in the protein in solution
5-3 Quality
and Representation of Crystal and NMR Structures[Full
Text] [PDF]
-The quality of a finished structure depends
largely on the amount of data collected
-Different conventions for representing the
structures of proteins are useful for different purposes
